Hello I hope you all had a great long weekend and for those who celebrate, a wonderful Christmas. For me it was the start of a three week holiday and I am enjoying every minute of it. Looking back at a wonderful 2011 I am so grateful for this last year, that has been so good for me. Starting with a great holiday in January my brother offered me at the Dutch Antilles.
After not having been in such a warm place for years it felt so good and it certainly gave me the energy to finally pick up things I was thinking about for a long time. I have always been an optimistic person who, even if times are hard, has a strong and positive look at things but this last year felt like one big positive flow. I made so many great new friends, had some beautiful trips to Paris. Welcomed a lot of new lovely readers on the blog and even met some of you in person.
In this last post of 2011 some snapshots from the photo shoot VT Wonen did at my home last month. Being my all time favorite magazine, I have been reading and collecting the magazine for years. And like many of you I am totally in love with the style and I especially love the work of my favorite stylist ‘Frans Uyterlinde’ {who also designed the VT Wonen home at the ‘Woonbeurs’}
I was really happy he made some time on the last day before his holidays to have a look at my home and the shoot. It was great to have him around and see him with the photographer work at a photo shoot for the magazine in my own home. Something else to be really grateful for. The year ends with a new kitchen and lots of inspiration and new ideas for next year. I wish you all the happiness of the world and a healthy and happy new year.