I found these cute pictures of the girl drawing on this great blackboard wall on the blog of Silje. A blog I found through Nina’s community Stylizimo, where you can share pictures of your home with others.
During the last years I have seen lots of blackboard walls in kitchen and hallways, but not that much in bedrooms. I looked around on Pinterest and did a little survey on Facebook and Twitter asking you to sent me pictures of your blackboard walls.. but not one of the pictures was from a bedroom.

A stunning picture from the bedroom of fashion designer Hanne Graumann by Wichman and Bendsen I scannend from last years Elle Decoration. I think this home and room was my favorite out of all UK Elle Decoration magazines of last year. But I will check them out once more and make a choice, like I did with last years VT Wonen magazine and see if there are more favorites.

If you have blackboard walls in your home and like to share them. Then please sent me the link to your blog and I will link you up under this post.
Thanks you Jana for the following link: Jeve {scroll down for that cat picture too!} Thank you for sending in your beautiful wall too Tip