We know VT Wonen for their great magazine and you might remember the posts I made after visiting the woonbeurs where VT Wonen and other Dutch interior magazines each year build a home totally inspired by the style of their magazine. In case you missed it here are the links again: VT Wonen home – Industrial loft + Classic elements and An industrial-kitchen-and-white-bedroom
VT wonen also has a great range of products you can buy in several Dutch shops and webshops! To introduce the latest collection there is a magalogue (a catalog and a magazine in one) coming with the latest VT Wonen magazine
To photograph the magalogue the VT Wonen team furnished two complete apartments that are up for sale (De witte kaap) One for a family with kids that you see here in this post and one for a working couple. Today the apartments were open to the public and Paulina and I visited one of them today and made some pictures.
Have a look at the digital version of the Magalogue and start shopping. For one lucky reader I have a spare copy of this months VT Wonen and the Magalogue. Just leave a comment in this post if you would like to win it 😉

Styling of the VT Wonen Magalogue home by Cleo Schleuderman of VT Wonen. Pictures by Paulina Arcklin and Vosgesparis…. if you link please credit and mention the VT Wonen Magalogue