Cleaning out old files on my computer I came across some pictures I made in 2007 at the ‘Woonbeurs‘ It was way before I even started the blog so I never showed them on here. The pictures are made at the upper floor of the VT Wonen home. It was a beautiful some kind of outdoor space with a kitchen in grey and reclaimed wood and a long zinc bassin, all very basic and natural. Forgive me for my photographing skills back then and the small and strange proportioned pictures. But I still think this rooftop was really charming.
Today the New VT Wonen arrived with the Woonbeurs special in it. This year will be the 20th edition of this Dutch exibition for indoor and outdoor living. If you can make it to Amsterdam between September 25 -30, I think you should definitely bring a visit. Under the ‘woonbeurs‘ tag you can find some more pictures I made over the last years.