The last posts about this years Woonbeurs. This is the home of 101 woonideeën. Different rooms and lots of different colors. When entering the room above there is a strong blue corner with industrial cupboards, filled with lots of collections of all kind and many cushions and plaids to soften the place. I can’t really decide if this was my favorite room as I also loved the huge cupboard filled with cactus plants and a south American feel in one of the other rooms.
When in Germany based Igor asked me to write a guest post for his blog, while he is exploring some lovely blue bay (lucky guy). I thought it would be nice to get his readers to know the Woonbeurs as well. So many pictures I made in the other rooms of this home can be found over in my guestpost on the Happy Interior blog I would love you to go there and leave Igor a message 😉
The kitchen was totally different with clean and light colors
More pictures of this home in my guestpost on the Happy Interior blog and more on the Woonbeurs under the ‘Woonbeurs‘ tag