A loft in black & white with some natural elements

My heart made a little jump when I came across this renovated rectory at the Swedish countryside just outside Malmo. It showes how some natural elements can add a soft touch to a Black and White interior. I love the open space, the old and dark beams in contrast with the white walls…totally my kind of […]
Blogtour Sponsor | Blanco | Color your kitchen beautiful

Blanco Silgranit-cinder Color your kitchen beautiful is the slogan you can find on the website of Blanco, who is one of the other sponsors of the very exciting BlogtourNYC I will be attending next week!I visited their website to find out something more about them. It is not that I visit a site like Blanco everyday but I know […]
Meet the blogger | London 2013

A small impression of Meet the blogger in London last weekend, despite a little cold I enjoyed yet another MTB event. Time for Friendships, sleepovers (thank you Karine) meetings with new and old blogger friends, dinner parties, filming on the roof of the hotel with a Belgian TV crew, a cool design tour through a […]