It’s Weekend already… waugh this week passed so fast…I thought of adding a few Instagram pictures from this week on my blog, but I haven’t been that busy with it these last days. I am doing 1001 things at the moment considering my blog and as you might know I also have a day time job that needs to be taken care off. I was reading about someone blogging in their pajamas from 9 to 5 Seems like a totally different life, I could get used to.
Blogging life
Blogging life can be really confusing and time consuming sometimes. Not only do the best things to write about always seem to popup just before midnight I have a bunch of things I still want to write about, like our visit to Brooklyn and the amazing boat trip we had around Manhattan in the golden sunset. I came across some really cool spots in NY but made way to many pictures! What’s new! Blogging is also about making the right decisions for your blog everyday.

The good news …. a book… and speaking at the HIVE
Okay enough about that… There is also lots of good and exciting mails coming through my mailbox. The good news this week was of course I discovered MERCI opening an online webstore. wahee!! Very exciting news also is that I have been asked to work on a book, together with other bloggers, by a German Book publisher, pretty honored and amazing I think. Soon more about that !
And last but not least I finally booked my ticket to Berlin …. means I now really will have to speak at the HIVE and finish my key note any day now. I have been reading articles for months , collecting tips, notes and writing down great ideas, I woke up with in the middle of the night sometimes. And feel like a schoolkid organizing everything and maybe even more important making a sensible presentation of it.
I hope to inspire some fellow bloggers on how and when to take their blog a step further as Monetizing your blog will be the subject I have been asked to speak about. Not as someone who knows it all… but from blogger to blogger. The thing is I really love my blog, blogging life and connecting with other people and bloggers. I hope Berlin will be good to me
BLOGGER necklace winner
Oops I nearly forgot to mention … the lucky BLOGGER necklace winner is Niki from My Scandinavian home.