After winning the vtwonen blogger award at Meet the blogger Amsterdam 2013. vtwonen invited me for their new series Blogtalk. One afternoon Flory from vtwonen came to my home and ask me all about blogging life. She wrote pages full with my answers and wrote a really nice and honest ‘behind the scenes’ article and a sneak peek into my daily life.
I made some new pictures of my home to go along with the article, as I never seemed to find the time for the professional photographer to come over. I like to see my own work in the magazine and my home, as it really is in daily life with its styled and its messy corners

If I think about how long I have been reading vtwonen magazine and always saw it as one of my main inspirations long before blogging life and even long before the Internet itself. It is nice to see myself contributing to one of the articles.
From this week you can find the article in the latest vtwonen magazine | March 2014. I already got some really sweet responses on it. Thank you guys, really appreciated! And thank you vtwonen for having me.