A collection of beautiful pictures by my dear friend Deborah
Lets bring back the good old list! …. I love lists and I though it was a good way to show you some of the favourite blogposts, gadgets DIY ideas, friends stuff or just stunning work I come across.
Doing this is also a good way to bring back the new blogs list I had on my blog before!
I loved this list, where I showed a selection of fresh blogs I liked every week. And… because you told me, I know it gave many new blogs an audience to start with. With the hundreds of blogs, Instagram accounts and Pinterest boards starting every week, it is difficult to get noticed in the mass and connect with others! The other thing is that making this posts also is a way to force myself to read more blogs. I realise it is hard to keep up with everything and I miss reading your blogs. So these posts should all be about you! If you have anything to share that would fit my blog, or should not be missed... drop me an email.

Another piece of Dutch design


thats my 5 links for today….
I guess everyone is still enjoying a nice day off but It’s monday and it’s blogday! Enjoy the little break!