Dutch wallpaper company NLXL launched 2 new collections today in Milan “Addiction” by Paola Navone and “Obsession” by Daniel Rozensztroch, art director of Merci in Paris. The collection is based on Rozensztroch’s Obsession with collecting everyday objects and Navone’s Addiction to the color blue, especially a vibrant indigo shade.
Rozensztroch has been obsessed for many years with everyday, ordinary objects and has not only collected a vast number; he has written several books about them in a series called “Everyday Things” as well as staging exhibitions. Some time ago he had a beautiful exhibition at Droog which I wrote about on my Amsterdam blog.
I have showed some of Paola’s projects on the blog before and I think hotel point Yamu and her Milan home are great examples of her love for the color blue. More images and different design can be found at the NLXL website.