Last week I showed you some spring inspiration using the latest items of the new Couleur Locale collection, did you love those pictures as much as I do?
Natural colours are great to add a beautiful touch to your home and adding texture make your home look even more exciting. I love those unexpected corners with different layers and unique items from far away countries. Cushions you just need to touch, beautiful ceramics and some black and white photography to add some contrast.

The Ceramic is Wonkiware and for sale in the stores in Antwerp and Knokke. The blanket will be also available in the webstore any time soon and is handmade in Kenia.

Hannah Lemholt is one of the “Love Warriors” , a creative team with expertise in design, architecture, styling and photography. She has created a stunning series of photographs, with a typical feminine style and natural palettes. Picture above: SAM – ‘Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.’ – mark twain. Bedlinen in different couleurs can be found here