We have been styling, photographing, knitting (even the boys gave it a try!) making terrariums, using our phones to tweet and Instagram and wrote numerous blogposts last month… this is how we work. Travelling together, sharing one big apartment, meeting up with brands and visiting amazing designers is what I love most about being part of Design Bloggers United.
While I was responsible for organizing the Amsterdam Blogtour Gerard plannend 3 full days in London together with online platform ‘at {mine}‘ and London based illustrator Zoe More O’Ferrall who’s the woman behind the Vogue’s Fashion Night Out map and illustrations for many of London’s most iconic brands illustrated our London tour, featuring participating bloggers and brands, how do you like the result!

‘at {mine}‘ is a platform I recently joined and made my own account, people are starting to follow me and I follow others. It is where I share pictures of my home and I try to add some not published pictures as well.
It is a bit like Pinterest, as in inspire and get inspired, but it has more a community feeling and you can really explore someones home room by room and read their thoughts under each picture. There is also the at{Mine} blog with stories behind the scenes and additional inspiration.
London blog tour is sponsored by: at{mine}, B&O Play, Buster + Punch, Folklore, Nest.co.uk and Tiipoi. Find all my blogs about London Blogtour under bloggerstourLDN or see all blogtours under blogtour