Since having the Fritz Hansen chair over for a sleepover, see yesterday’s post, I fell in love with the colour blue and I am definitely want to bring some of it into my home.
During a press event with H&M I saw some nice blueish rugs that will hit the shops soon and I might go on the look for some beautiful blue bedlinen, like in the picture above, which by the way is from Høie of Scandinavia
I also really love the idea of painting a headboard, on the wall or on wood, and how about giving the whole wall a hint of blue? I personally have always loved dark walls in the bedroom, the one below is painted with a blue from the Histor range.
If you are into blue I think you should have a look at the home of my friend Patrick of Interiorator he recently painted the walls and ceiling of his home in a deep blue. His style is masculine, and a bit on the edge and over the top sometimes and that is why I love hime and what he is doing, not afraid to show his own style for sure.