Urban Jungle Bloggers The book!

Recently I bought some new plants again for a guest room I worked on and I will show you the result on Monday, but first some news I still wanted to celebrate. Lots of bloggers work on a book after some year of blogging, I did in some years ago in collaboration with a German publisher, have a look here if you missed it.

Some months ago two of my Blogtour friends each wrote a book about green living and to start with I love to introduce you to Igor and Judith, founders of Urban Jungle bloggers. A project, or maybe an online movement would be a better word for it, born out of their mutual passion for plants, with a monthly theme they encourage their readers to enjoy and do more with plants at their homes or office spaces.

It was only a matter of time before publishing the Urban Jungle book, a book packed with green inspiration, plant styling ideas and handy plant information for anyone who wants to bring more greens into their homes and daily lives.

“This book will take you on an inspirational voyage through five green homes across Europe showcasing how beautiful, individual, creative and sometimes even arty green living can be. Moreover, this book offers a plethora of easy-to-copy plant styling ideas for your home presented by a fine selection of international Urban Jungle Bloggers.” Find all information on how to order your copy here 

Photography by Lina Skukauske