Dreaming about the not so ordinary, and special items for my home I love to look at vintage design websites hoping one day coming across something from the past that would perfectly fit my home and wallet.
An amazing velvet couch that I could integrate into my masterplan… including a dark wall of course but I am sure they could help me with that. The Togo by Ligne Roset or some pieces from the Living Divani couch I love for ages, wouldn’t that be an amazing statement in your home! It is not there is something I am in search for, hence I am still decluttering!
I think that if you go for a minimalistic approach some outstanding pieces really do the trick in your interior. I have to admit I am pretty bad in remembering the names of designers from the past unlike they are really famous maybe and whenever searching online I just use different search terms.
Sometimes the name of the sofa or chair I am curious about or terms like ‘Pedestal’ or ‘Brutalist furniture’ I found some great pretty vintage tables inspired by the heavy works of the Brutalist movement, round marble dining tables from the twenties, industrial gems and even different Togo couches for a reasonable price.

// sponsored post written in collaboration with Nakturnal //