When visiting Copenhagen recently a few things to see and people to meet were on my wish list and visiting the new showroom and boutique of Oliver Gustav was high on my priority list. The historical building on Kastelsvej has a longstanding relationship with the arts and the morning I visited everyone was busy preparing the different rooms for the official opening party that night. It was such a pleasure to finally meet Oliver in person, have a chat with him and get to learn more about the amazing building and the collections.
Also Jan Janssen a Dutch artist of which the work can be seen at the showroom dropped by, more about Jan’s work in a next post! Above a sneak peek into the beautiful room in the back of the building. One of the rooms that isn’t painted in the beautiful grey like the rest of the rooms and filled with trees, plants, books and one of the sofa’s from Oliver Gustav’s own collection. The home collection of dyed hemp or linen sofas and armchairs is available made to order.
Also Jan Janssen a Dutch artist of which the work can be seen at the showroom dropped by, more about Jan’s work in a next post! Above a sneak peek into the beautiful room in the back of the building. One of the rooms that isn’t painted in the beautiful grey like the rest of the rooms and filled with trees, plants, books and one of the sofa’s from Oliver Gustav’s own collection. The home collection of dyed hemp or linen sofas and armchairs is available made to order.
From his studio, showroom and boutique and gallery in New York City, Oliver Gustav offers unique and limited edition pieces, from a carefully curated edit of international designers and artists, I loved seeing pieces of Rick Owens and the scent of the many Mad et Len products. Visiting the showroom was an exceptional experience, there was so much to see, room after room and the atmosphere was totally serene. At the end of the post some pictures of the entry and the first room with the huge pink sofa which you might have spotted here on Instagram already…. more of the collection and the amazing studio coming soon.

pictures ©vosgesparis