The new Scandinavian | Trade fair tour for imm 2018

It has been a bit quiet on the blog over the last weeks, behind the scenes though I have been working really hard on a few major projects for 2018 at the same time. I will reveil more about all these exciting collaborations over the next few weeks, starting of today with one of the fair collaborations plannend for 2018.

After designing my dream space and very own stand at the Bloggers’ trend show at imm cologne earlier this year. I have been invited by imm to be part of the Bloggers’ Trendshow again to share my personal design highlights and develop a Trade fair tour for the 2018 fair. 

The new Scandinavian
Every tour needs a name and I called mine ‘The new Scandinavian’ and selected different brands to be part of the tour, I won’t reveil all in advance but I love to give you a sneak peek and by looking at the picture you might guess that MENU will be one of the brands I will be working with. 
I have been following them for years and it is one of my favourite Scandinavian brands.

So excited to see how you will like the tour and get inspired by the brands I selected, stay tuned for some updates, and moodboards in the coming weeks. I will be around at the fair for a few days, both to discover new design and work on the tour. I hope to see you there, scroll down for a discount code and see you in Cologne!


Imm cologne will take place from Monday 15 to Sunday 21st. The public days are from Friday, January 19 to Sunday, January 21st 2018 // Opening hours: Mon. to Sat. 9AM to 6PM // Sun 9AM to 5PM

#immspired #immcologne2018 #advertisement 
written in collaboration with imm