With a trip to Milan and a kitchen renovation that is still going on, I almost forgot to show you some images of my trip to the Rolf Benz factory and showroom earlier this year. I always enjoy getting to know a brand better than just at the fair, in January I visited the huge stand where Rolf Benz presented their new collection, when taking over the imm instagram account. You can still see a selection of my posts here at the #immspired highlighted album
A beautiful stand and the located opposite Rolf Benz cafe was a welcome spot for meetups and a break during the long days at the fair. The showroom is located in Nagold, a small town in southwestern Germany, bordering the Northern Black Forest. During lunch I had the opportunity to get a glimpse of the beautiful city centre with it’s half-timbered houses and modern architecture.

Our visit started with a small tour through one of the workshops, where young students are educated and taught every single detail of the machines used in the factory, and the process from a piece of fabric to complete upholstery. We had fun following a small class with the solid machines used.
Next a tour through the factory where each year several hundreds of thousands of square metres of fabric and leather are turned into covers by specialist employees who have a huge know how about the fabric and leather they work with, helped with technologies that have been specially developed for Rolf Benz.
The employee scans, checks and touches each meter of fabric by sight and by hand. It was good to see nothing is waste as the scanner and the employee’s trained eye divide the leather up into different zones that are used according to their suitability for conspicuous surfaces such as seat cushions and rests, or for less visible parts underneath the sofa.
A visit to a factory lead you through the whole process from selecting material, to the department where carpenters prepare and assemble the frames manually and the upholstery of every single piece of the sofa or chair. Apart from supplied parts such as injection moulding, foam and metal feet, Rolf Benz create everything themselves, often by hand and no piece of furniture leaves the factory before a final inspection

At the 3,800 square metres showroom the complete collection is on display, visitors can test and try out the functions of every single piece and select their favourite covering from the extensive collection of fabrics and leathers.
Rolf Benz produces everything for the home, next to the collection of sofa’s there are several coffee tables, carpets and accessories for the sitting area and complete dining solutions, remember the video’s I made at imm about the marble table with wooden inlay? It can still be found at my own imm stories, including a demonstration of their Aura sofa!
I made a few snapshots at the showroom, can you believe me if I tell you we tested every single sofa which resulted in messy pictures of us not wanting to get out of the sofa’s and happy faces. For more pictures of the showroom and products I would recommend to visit the Rolf Benz website and have a look and read into their rich history and huge collection.