Antwerp is, like Paris, one of those cities that is easily accessible by Thalys from Amsterdam. To be honest I only visited Antwerp for Press events in the past years, just like this time. I was invited by the beautiful &Tradition for a press event and stayed a good 24 hours in Antwerp to join them. Read my previous post to see more about that: 24 hours in Antwerp with &Tradition Finally visiting antwerp again I always wonder why I don’t go more often.
Last time I was in Antwerp I stood for a closed door at St. Vincents and the place was highly on my wishlist. This time I managed a quick visit! Unfortunately part of the ground floor was closed as furniture was exhibited elsewhere at the time. I still managed to shoot a small impression of the store and the more reason to go back!
St. Vincents
St. Vincents was founded in 2016 by Henri Delbarre & Geraldine Jackman, an economist-lawyer duo who turned an abandoned three-story printing into a space dedicated to niche and established artists, creatives, designers and artisans.
The showroom lives without restraint, combining design from different styles, time and origin. A hand-picked collection showcasing works that range from collector’s pieces to anonymous rare finds and contemporary designers that aim to evoke and inspire a certain aesthetic appreciation.
Images ©vosgesparis