In the heart of the dynamic Japanese Oku-shibu district, the new TRUNK (HOTEL) YOYOGI PARK boasts a relaxed, human-centered ethos. I personally love the style of Norm Architects who has been engaged to support the interior design of the hotel, marking the first occasion TRUNK has collaborated with an international design team and the continuation of their long-standing working relationship with ⁠lead architects Keiji Ashizawa who has overseen the architecture and interior design throughout.

Urban Recharge

While aesthetic choices harmoniously reflect the laid-back yet sophisticated vibe of the neighborhood, the concept of ‘Urban Recharge’ is at the heart of the project — a pivotal theme weaving together the city and nature, tradition and modernity, leisure and festivity, as well as the local community and valued visitors.⁠




Restaurant & Rooms

The rattan partition walls in the rooms, and the window ‘shutters’ out of the same material in the hotel’s restaurant, give the different spaces  a relaxed and vibrant feeling at the same time.


Photography: Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen