Yesterday it was Tine K’s promising new weblog and today even more good news. That if you like those graphic Black and White images as much as I do! Lotta Ageton showed the new collection of ‘Happy’ postcards by her friend Therese Sennerholt, that will be launced on august 19th ! I love the styling in the picture and how the cards are attached to the wall with those little black dots! … now read on for more..

Being still in the Parisian fashion mood I love the styling in the first picture. Funny enough I took a picture at Sukha-Amsterdam last Saturday.. where my eye caught a piece of paper attached to the table with a pair of high heels beside… I moved the heels a bit around and made the picture below.
Sukha, meaning ‘Joy of life’ in Sanskrit, is a lifestyle shop in the middle of Amsterdam. In a beautiful ambiance you can shop for interior, fashion and accessories. They also have a small collection of typical Sukha postcards with sweet sentences in Dutch, just like the text next to the heels.

Of course it does not rhyme in English but it say something like:
Who knows if at the stroke of midnight a new adventure starts. Put on your high heels and see where they will bring you

picture 1 + 2 via Lotta Agaton – picture 3 + 4 © Vosgesparis