Blogtour Sponsor | Silestone by Cosentino | Blogger Macarena Gea

Countertop Silestone natural quartz in “Unsui” with Suede finish Silestone by Consentino is one of the next Modenus BlogTour NYC sponsors I would like to introduce to you. Not only are they sponsering BlogTour |read about our Media breakfast here| they also have chosen a blogger to be one of the five faces in the new […]
Blogtour NYC | Day 1 | Media Breakfast and Jetlags

After the first night of meeting up with the other bloggers and a dinner around the corner, where we met some of the sponsors over a drink and a delicious meal. Most of us European bloggers went to bed early, being awake just after 4 o’clock again! As the city was calling like mad, we text-ed over […]