Wanderlust | Travellers essentials list #2

Only a few more weeks and many of us will be on a long Summer break, beside spending some hopefully sunny days at home during my summer break I also have some places in mind that I would love to visit. I love travelling and thought it was a good moment to show you some of my latest finds that will make live on the road a lot easier.

First of all the amazing laptop bag by an all time favourite brand of mine Moleskin, I always use their agenda’s and can’t stop buying their little black books for all kind of projects and lists. I discovered the bag at Milan airport when flying back to Amsterdam, and I am so saving up for it as it is perfect for traveling with a laptop and smaller then the bag from Finnish Lumi which is more for storing more things for work.

In a former travel wish list post Essentials wish list HOPE X RIMOWA and This is Ground I showed the Midori travellers notebook and when buying some refills I got myself the mini version which is amazing and really easy. I have my paspoort in it and can easily slip my boarding passes under the elastic, I use a plastic zipper insert for money and cards and another one for business cards. I think it is my best buy in ages, I love it a lot, use it almost every day and it fits my smallest bag.
Lampi by Finnish Insjö bagINbag is a super Nano Wallet and perfect when I just want to bring some bank cards, and it has enough space to tuck away my keys in the middle zip pocket. Being really small it perfectly fits my jeans pocket it is another new favourite. This is the smallest of their assortment and there are many more colourful and larger versions available. 

Insjö bagINbag’s are ideal for organising your everyday items so you can find your phone instantly when it rings and grab your keys easily from the key pocket and when you change bags you just take the bagINbag out and transfer it to your next bag ensuring you take everything with you!

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Something I always pack when going to a sunny destination is an Hammam towel I have lots of them in white and a blue stonewashed one from Hammam 34, for me blue is the ultimate Summer colour. I love taking them to the beach because they are really light and do not take up a lot of space in your bag and suitcase.

Last but not least if you love travelling as much as fellow blogger Anne and I do, and want to learn all the inns and outs, then Wanderlust is your travel style guide As a professional travel blogger Anne de Buck travels around the world in search of the best hotspots and hidden gems and her book offers lots of tips to travel around the world in style… let’s start packing!