Cool design for kids that adults will love | One duo X Rafa Kids

Due to my part time job I meet lots of small kids every week, I love these little ones and their innocent and sincere behavior. Inherent to my job I am interested in kids furniture and children toys. Wood is such a friendly material for kids toys and furniture and especially parents really like it, although most children are really font on multi coloured toys I discovered.

When One Duo approached me with the question if I would like to write a small article about their backpack, I had a look at their site out of curiosity and was surprised by the design, if only I had had a beautiful designed bag like this when my kids were small. Their bag is actually a really stylish diaper bag that would fit everyone, and as the name already reveals especially really handy for young parents due the many pockets and possibility’s. The bag comes in different colours and is available through Etsy.

As I love young designers I was happy to give them a mention at the blog and talking about design for kids to re-introduce you to the cool Rafa Kids, by the creative couple Arek and Agata. Originally created after designing furniture for their two sons, the couple aim to create furniture which can appeal to both children and adults, functional and playful at the same time. I first got to write about them 4 years ago but never got to show their furniture for kids line and I really think you would love it when you have small children. 

pictures | 1 by One Duo | 2 vosgesparis | 3-5 Rafa Kids