With a broken modem over Christmas it was actually really nice to be offline for some days and do nothing at all except for sleeping a lot and enjoying being together with my kids. Back online today I came across the amazing home of Lucas Machnik who has made a name for himself crafting retail spaces for the avant-garde designer Rick Owens.
Rick Owens recognized a kindred spirit in the architect’s all-black, minimalist interiors, filled with no shortage of neo-gothic elements. Probably the reason why his own home caught my eye as well.
“Machnik’s interest in the macabre is equally formal, betraying a fascination with the forms created by nature’s ongoing processes. These organic objects range from antlers to skulls, but also include tree branches, eroded stones, and petrified wood. Likewise, his sculptural creations—Machnik is a multi-disciplinarian at heart—incorporate an element of chance, relying on forces like gravity and entropy to determine the final form.” text: Knoll.com