Visiting Droog some months ago I discovered the work of Pieke Bergmans for Droog: Massive Infection, a large table that is completely overrun by Crystal Virus vases. Like real amoebas and bacteria, 30 amorphous forms of liquid crystal ‘invaded’ the table. They burned their traces to the wood, leaving a black circle pattern.
This series of crystal vases is made by hand with Master-glassblowers and directed by Pieke Bergmans. When the big hot crystal bubbles are pressed onto wooden furniture and while the crystal burns into the wood, some of the woods texture is integrated into the vase and furniture and vase are then displayed together as an installation. At Droog you can find the table without the vases in use at the restaurant upstairs, a great spot to have a coffee or to sit in the fairy tail garden. Have a look at some of the pictures I made at Droog
Pieke Bergmans is a Dutch industrial designer. Her favourite modus operandi is to alter existing production processes to come to new forms and functions. Her inspiration and opportunities come from each industry and every different material. In cooperation with factories, she explores their production facilities and manipulates them. The goal is to make ‘personalized mass production’ where irregularities are ruled in.