Best Wishes and Happy Holidays

That moment of the year when you feel you need to do and finish a thousand things, but just feel like hanging on the couch. Not feeling to well I have been in a really slow mood these last days and spent most of the time in bed or on the couch trying to get in the Christmas mood and recovering before having dinner with the family. Some years are more Chrissy then others I guess. Minimalism is still key and some greens and lots of fairy lights and candles will do the trick for me to create a homy Christmas feeling… including some Wham and John Lennon on repeat of course

Like last year I have a big cozy Nordman tree with lots of lights on my patio since early December, a few green mini trees indoors and two hundred Christmas lights above my table. I planned to add some green along with them but not feeling like moving at all…. I will keep that for next year! Meanwhile I came across the home of Maja of the fab blog Musta Ovi who made this green hanging for her living room and also the decoration by Signe Bay is very classy and simple, love those grey and concrete walls of both their homes. For a darker Christmas mood check out the ladies over at Our Foodstories

Hope you had a great Christmas eve and wishing you a happy Christmas with the ones that are close to your heart. 

picture 1/3 by Signe Bay found via AMM // picture 2 Musta Ovi