Milan design week 2019 is over… can we do it all over again!? I had a fantastic week filled with inspiration, good food, a bit of sun and a lovely w/ Style collaboration. While being in Milan I always take some time off from the many special Milan design week projects and visit my favourite Milanese designers and showrooms.
Closed during last year’s Salone, and back with a curated exhibition at his gallery this year was Vincenzo de Cotiis, someone who I regularly feature on my blog with his beautiful renovations and projects.
This year Vincezo and Claudia Rose De Cotiis presented the first ‘Carpenters Workshop Gallery’ A curated exhibition with work by fifteen artists next to Vincenzo’s own work.
De Cotiis: “The archetypal gesture of material manipulation is the guiding thread throughout this exhibition. From a brutal approach to organic contortions, passing from primitive expressions, reaching the purest conceptuality: a sculptural archive made up of elements that represent our eclectic times, establishing a dialogue among differences and consonances”