Just before Milan design week starts, my inbox gets overloaded with invites from different brands to come and see their new collections, special events and installations. My favourite invites though, are the events in the private homes which always gives you a perfect chance to meet people you otherwise would not have met and get a peek into their life and homes.
‘Openhouse’ is a magazine printed in San Sebastian, Spain filled with beautiful photography, interesting interviews of people who open special places around the world that the reader can visit and join in with the activities. Openhouse is also a guide to their secret loved places in their towns, and some favourite recipes.
During Milan design week, issue 11 was launched with a special event at the home of Christian Pizzinini and Antonio Scolari, their house in Puglia is featured in the new issue and for the occasion they opened up their home in Milan together with Openhouse, which was an unique occasion to meet them and see their collection of design pieces from the 20th century.