GSI Ceramica | Color Elements | Inspiration for your bathroom

Lately I wrote a lot about my home makeover, and talked about paint, floors, kitchens and countertops. I have always loved working on my home. Two areas though, I have neglected for years; the bathroom and separate toilet. As I won’t really move houses, I love the area I live and changed my home to fit all my needs, I won’t design a full bathroom any time soon.

Curious as I am to learn more about the making of, I love to visit factories therefore, and always looking for possibilities, I’d love to see if re-doing the bathroom and toilet I have, would be a possibility some day. I have numerous bathroom boards on Pinterest and over the years I added different bathrooms from brands I have worked with and design I find inspiring, one can keep dreaming right!


GSI Ceramica

For today’s blog post I teamed up with Italian GSI Ceramica and love to tell you a bit about their history and give you a glimpse into their collection. GSI Ceramica pro­duces san­i­tary, wash­basins, bidet, wc and ded­i­cated ac­ces­sories in the heart of the Italian ceramic tradition.

When taking a closer look at Civita Castellana, a ceramic district with a millenary tradition, I discovered an area rich in history, the cradle of the ancient Faliscan civilization, over which Monte Soratte looms in solitary majesty. It is a region that has always fascinated poets, painters and hermits with its countryside that is both harsh and mild at the same time with deep ravines carved out by running waters, and nature showing different colours.

The magic of Earth, Water and Fire
Wherever a river runs, a civilization rises. Water makes it possible to mould the earth and create new forms. This fusion between solid and liquid is a precious alliance between ancestral continuity and ceaseless change. Blended and dosed with great skill, water and earth coexist harmonically in the forms of manufactures. It is there in the countryside where GSI Ceramica have been produced for millennia: with earth and water sealed by fire.





GSI Ceramica has always been one of the leader companies in Civita Castellana’s ceramics industry tradition. Through a pro­duc­tive process that ap­plies the cor­rect mix of tech­nol­ogy and skill, GSI Ceramica pro­duces san­i­tary, wash­basins, bidet, wc and ded­i­cated ac­ces­sories, through a pro­duc­tive process that ap­plies the cor­rect mix of tech­nol­ogy and skill, just as re­quired by the pe­cu­liar­ity of the prod­uct.

GSI Ceramica prod­ucts are the re­sult of a com­plex de­vel­op­ment process which har­nesses the lat­est 3D sys­tem tech­nol­ogy in every phase of de­sign and pro­to­typ­ing. Fol­lowed by a high pres­sure pro­duc­tion method, au­to­mated enam­elling and set­ting in a kiln run­ning at 1250°C. The con­tin­u­ous re­search of an own style aimed to an orig­i­nal de­sign and how­ever sober and el­e­gant, to­gether with the in­tro­duc­tion of tech­nol­ogy, al­lows a study of the forms and of the most ef­fi­cient func­tion­al­ity in re­duced time, every­thing with­out ever re­nounc­ing to the own tra­di­tion.

The at­ten­tion, al­most ob­ses­sive, for the de­tails and the style, later guar­an­tees a pro­duc­tion of high aesthetic value, that iden­ti­fies it­self on the mar­ket for the great worth value of a Made in Italy ab­solutely ex­cel­lent to in­voice.


Color Elements – Natural, Italian, Emotional
GSI Ceramica has enriched its family of products with Color Elements to fully meet individual wishes when designing the bathroom for our homes. Intimacy, silence, the interior value of a place and forms, materials, lights and colours are all personal, and GSI offers an infinity of possible combinations.

I was sent some samples off Color Elements, a great way to actually feel the product and see the different colours.The collection runs over a chromatic range of 8 different shades of opaque color that are harmoniously compatible and can even be combined with each other.

New mat finishings are designed to accompany select washbasins from GSI’ s Sand line, as well as Pura. Two pairs of suspended Pura wc/bidets and two floor standing come with the special “Dual Glaze” finishing that combines an opaque glaze on the outside of the sanitary fixture with a shiny Extraglaze® one on the hydraulic sections in contact with water. An exclusive feature that ensures maximum hygiene.

I selected both ‘Ardesia’ and ‘Bianco’ to show you some of the GSI Ceramica products within the Color Elements range. Also really loved ‘Creta’ as it is the colour comes close to the one I use at home at the moment. Pictured above a beautiful overview of the different colours and shapes.

Being a lover of all things black and white for years it was ‘Ardesia’ that immediately caught my eye! ‘Ardesia’, the darkest of the colour elements and opposite of ‘Bianco’ meaning white in Italian! Ardesia is a naturally warm colour and I can only say it gives and instantly chic touch when used in our bathrooms being Rock ‘n Roll at the same time in my opinion. As GSI Ceramica says: Chic like Chanel’s little black dress and volcanic like a punk!



Bianco Opaco
Bianco, the opposite of ‘Ardesia’ is a timeless product, the Opaque White finishing is a renewed classic of the bathroom environment. Discrete but very refined, the ceramic element now takes on a different look: it absorbs light rather than reflecting it and the plasticity of its forms stands out.



The percentage of GSI products that do not get through the inspection phase is actually quite small Every year they produce more than 500’000 articles, carefully inspected one by one before being distributed. That’s why they only have the 0,8% of products returns; this is the result of intense efforts to innovate every phase of the production process. But even discarded pieces reenter a virtuous cycle of recovery: some are broken up to be reused as fire clay, others are glazed to meet the needs of environmental sustainability.

Written in collaboration with GSI Ceramica 
pictures 1/7 ©vosgesapris all other via GSI Ceramica