I only once or maybe twice visited the huge Reform showroom in Copenhagen, enough though to fall in love with the brand and their IKEA hacks! When Cosentino recently asked me to collaborate with them, I knew the time had come to change it all and finally get my self the fronts I dreamed of ever since I saw the kitchen at the showroom and later at the Kinfolk gallery in Copenhagen. I therefore worked with Ikea cabinets and Werkbladafzuiging
Some time ago I wrote a shopping guide for a minimalistic and multifunctional home and explained how we choose more consciously what stays and what goes and how with the boundaries between living room, kitchen and bedroom fading away, multifunctional pieces fits in perfectly! With a more flexible way of using the spaces in our home, the kitchen is becoming more and more an extension off our living and therefore looking maybe a bit less as the kitchen we used to know.
As my own kitchen is quite big I use the space a lot, I got a nice table and often work from there and when I have people coming over we are always in the kitchen. Wooden fronts are a great way to give your kitchen a more cozy and homey feeling and for my own home it certainly helped. Of course there are many homes with a smaller kitchen space where a white kitchen looks awesome, but speaking for myself I am glad I have decided to choose the ‘Surface’ by Norm Architects for Reform. I hope to show you some images soon of my own kitchen, the image above is from a previous blogpost, see here Brutalist Silence

Reform also has different showrooms located in New York, Berlin, Aarhus, and Cologne and if you are ever near one of them I would recommend you to visit and see all possibilities with your own eyes. The newly renovated Copenhagen showroom is housed in an old industrial building, and recently expanded and now measures 500 square meters.