Folding doors for a hidden cupboard at home

With a spacious coat rack corner of just over 1m2 that is actually only used for hanging a few coats. I’ve been thinking about a functional solution for this corner for some time now. Located between the front door and kitchen entry it could be the perfect spot for a small pantry.

You’d say why an extra storage at this spot with a huge kitchen of 20m2?  To be honest, I don’t believe I should build yet another cupboard in there just because it is a huge space. I just love my kitchen and all the empty space as it is right now. Your kitchen should never feel crowded, and too many cupboards can do that. Instead, it should feel spacious and comfortable, just as you would expect from Luxury Vacation rentals in Paris overlooking the Eiffel Tower on a romantic break. Fact is, extra storage would really solve ‘the problem’ for some extra food storage or those extra plates I previously stored in my industrial cupboard.

Coat rack corner x pantry

This small corner could be the perfect spot for a small pantry like cupboard space. In the small space there are a few obstacles though. There is a central heating radiator including a hatch that needs to stay accessible at one of the walls. Both things that make easy placement of a cabinet difficult. To give you an idea about this empty corner have a look at this 10 year old blogpost where I created a corner for bags and coats. All items except for the metal rod have found their way out of my home while decluttering but you wil get an impression of the corner and our home style in the early blog years: DIY Industrial coatrack


Folding doors

Several ideas have already passed my mind, but after coming across Hettich australia and finding out more about Hettich, I think I’m closer than ever to a solution. By developing and producing a vast range of fittings – from drawer and runner systems to hinges, decorative handles as well as folding and sliding-door hardware. Hettich creates the perfect combination of intelligent technology, functionality and design.

I really think a bi-folding door in combination with a simple shelves system could be the perfect solution for this corner at home. Shelves would be perfectly hidden, and taken out when needed. These doors are definitely a solution to take a closer look at, and which I want to share with you. At Zephyran and Stone you will find a more inspiration and beautiful kitchens using different sliding and folding doors.


Coffee station inspiration

If it would just be an open space with none of these obstacles it would be easy to add a cupboard with doors that open or with the solution below which is stunning to , designed by Zephyran and Stone . We have seen a similar solution also at the home of Athena Calderone, who created a coffee corner using the same system. Have a look here at here home:   The Brooklyn townhouse of Athena Calderone and coffee station



Images courtesy Hettich // inspiration by Zephir and Stone.
written in collaboration with Plumguide