EVENTS | Twenty designers collaborating for Salon Residence

For four days only the Singer museum in Laren, the Netherlands will be the home of ‘Salon Residence’, I was at the opening this week where chief editor Miluska van t Lam gave us a personal tour through the 20 different spaces designed by well known interior designers like Jan & Monique des Bouvrie, Studio […]
Piet Boon Kitchens by Studio Piet Boon | A sneak peek & a lunch

On invitation of Studio Piet Boon I had a first look at their new kitchen line today, together with designers of Studio Piet Boon, Piet Boon himself, Karin Meyn and a small group of press representatives we had a late lunch prepared by one of Gaggenau’s cooks. In the kitchen showroom 7 different kitchens are […]
TRAVEL | Piet Boon X Marriott Hotel

I haven’t been home a lot lately, almost every day there is an opening or event and with the many emails I spent lots of time reading press releases and newsletters to see what is relevant for my blog or what I personally love…. today some updates on the blog of last week events. I […]