Catching a glimpse of this concrete space and recognizing the hand of Marie Ollson was all it took for me to fall in love with this home and Bed and Breakfast. Marie and her husband worked for over a year to renovate this old farm on the Swedish countryside into an amazing Bed and Breakfast for the couple that lives here.
Rent this via Air BnB: Fröken Hjorts
See Marie’s home here: Marie Olsson Nylander home in Höganäs
What we see is a raw concrete space with warm wooden elements and a bit of ‘French’ drama.
I really love this kind of atmosphere and Marie’s way of decorating with huge objects just like we see in her own home. I can only imagine the look from the windows after some snow has fallen… and I still want those daybeds!Rent this via Air BnB: Fröken Hjorts
See Marie’s home here: Marie Olsson Nylander home in Höganäs

pictures © Fröken Hjorts