Honoured to give you the first impression of the ‘House of Wdstck’, the new workspace and showroom by Dutch label Wdstck in Amsterdam. Last year I visited their showroom in the woods of Naarden, have a look here: A Limited series of burned by WDSTCK | Gallery visit and recently they moved to this beautiful building in the North of town, where separated by huge steel doors both workspace and showroom are located. Partners of Wdstck can use the ‘House of Wdstck’ as an extension of their own showroom, which is especially interesting for interior architects and retailers with a relatively small retail space.
Wdstck offers a range of multidisciplinary objects that each tell a personal story. Objects travel… trough boutiques, art-fairs, conceptstores and museums until it finds a way to its future owner. In the showroom stacks of wood are waiting to be handpicked and become the next Altar table, a table made out of steel and wood. On one of the last pictures you can see one of them including the Memento chair, which you might recognize from my own home.
Both are designed by Jesse Sanderson who’s work can be recognized by its natural forms, uneven textures and subtle shades of color. In 2017 WDSTCK will launch a new table with unpolished bronze and pressed bamboo and a reproduction of a Kodak factory chair from the 20’s. This summer the terrace will be transformed into a real Wdstck area with acacia tribes and in collaboration with Chiel Kuijl, designer of the Floating Divan, a bridge over the water towards the Ceuvel will be created.