During the last months while designing a new kitchen I have proven myself that organizing is a real art. With no countertop and no cabinets left I had to improvise a lot around the home, something I am quite good in actually. Luckily my metal table was a perfect replacement for my missing countertop giving me lots of space to cook my daily meals on a small portable induction cooktop.
Most of my ceramic pieces I stored in a cabinet that is to heavy to move and add into the storage. It has doors and is perfect to keep out most of the dust that plastering and all other work in general brings. When doing a kitchen remake that looks to end in a small makeover for the whole home, it is important to organize things properly. What will you need and what can be stored for some time.
I was without a fridge for a week or two, finished most of the food and kept some things in my freezer. For all other things I would use on a daily bases I had my industrial metal cart, which is easy to move around, a plastic storage container and an old wooden beer-crate. Can you imagine how pleased I was to style and shoot the perfect wooden containers by bulthaup

The wooden containers are a beautiful minimal addition to your kitchen when you are looking for some extra storage space. Ideal for fruits and vegetables but also for everything you love to keep in sight. The containers come in different sizes and fit perfectly into the bulthaup pullouts if you are the lucky owner of a bulthaup kitchen.
As w/ Style we work for the second year in a row with Kitchen manufacturer bulthaup to style and shoot their accessories line, something we really love doing. Not only on the blog but also on social media our pictures are shared by bulthaup retailers in different countries, something we are really proud off. Here you can see all our work for bulthaup so far. Stay tuned for another bulthaup shoot next month!