I had my eyes on this little cabinet for ages… ever since it first appeared in one of the offices at my day job many years ago it was love at first sight. And now I finally could bring it home as it was not really used anymore.
And do I love it… I was looking for ages for a good place to store all my city souvenirs and trade brochures I wanted to keep! I stored them in cute white paper bags I customized: Collecting travel memories. (See more DIY ideas here and do send me yours in those natural and B&W colors I like for the blog) Ohh and all things from Milan I kept in this little Paola Navone for Merci suitcase on top of my locker: Painting a locker inspired by Milano
I also finally have a good place for all my clippings and I started adding little tags on the drawers cute hey, dont you think 😉
I also love this tattoo and I am very happy with my new Black Muuto lamp!
I love it when things look slightly different again and seeing my industrial table found a good place in the kitchen (when you just started following my blog, have a look here on how my studio looked 2 years ago: Black&White Studio) I guess I ‘need’ more of these cabinets now!