No Early Birds | Blog tour Stockholm #2

neb double storage container in black and brass by No early Birds  Hope you liked having a sneak peek at our Blogger apartment in yesterdays post, today some more of it. As you might have noticed the apartment was furnished like a real home. Emma who did most of it before we arrived also added […]

The Blogger Apartment | Blog tour Stockholm #1

Furniture and accessories by One Nordic | No Early Birds | Granit  One of the best things of our Design blog tours is that in every country and town we visit we work with different brands and do different and exciting things. Also for our recent Stockholm tour we came up with a new concept. We called it the Blogger Apartment! Well known Stockholm and […]

Styling challenge at Fashion for Home | Blogtour Berlin #3

Remember my first blogpost about our Bloggerteam visiting Berlin. |see here if you missed it: Berlin blogtour and see the second post here: Design & Wodka|  Today as promised some pictures made of our styling challenge at the Fashion for home showroom in Berlin!  We had such a fun morning at the showroom and a really delicious breakfast with a beautiful table setting […]

Design & Wodka | Blogtour Berlin # two

While being in other cities I love to shop for inspiring items. And the one shop I had to go back to in Berlin was Modulor. Luckely we ended our Green Design trip with a lunch next to the Modular store at Moritzplatz and had lots of time to check out this great DIY concept. […]

Bloggerzone + Brands | Designtrade Copenhagen

Here is some more about the brands I worked with in the Bloggerzone at Designtrade last week. One of my absolute favorites was Nomess Copenhagen from who I borrowed the white shelves, they can be used, as you see on the picture below, in two different ways. Also the table in the center of our booths was […]

‘Georg’ for Trip Trap | designed by Christina Liljenberg Halstrom

During our days at the Design Trade fair we were worked for 3 days in our Bloggerzone but also had some lovely meetings with some of the designers and brands. And when we visited the Trip Trap stand, I fell in love with the new Georg Collection, designed by Christina Liljenberg Halstrom. You can read all […]

DesignTrade Copenhagen | Our Bloggerzone

Hej ! I am just back from Copenhagen Design Trade fair. (later called NorthModern) Where we worked for 3 days (3 days of design)  in our Blogger zone and around the fair.  I planned to wander a bit through Copenhagen on Monday but it didn’t really worked out as Anna and me just enjoyed chatting, sitting in the […]

Ideas on on how to enjoy long summer nights | DesignTrade blog

Summer is here! And I hope you are enjoying the warm days and looking forward on enjoying a hopefully long summer with lots of outdoor activities. Dutch company Weltevree loves to prolong the outdoor season and therefore designed a range of products that allows us to spent more time outside… how about making a pizza […]

Styling with &Tradition | Pictures from the other bloggers

Emma I love to show you the pictures of the styling the other bloggers did during our morning at the Norm Studio earlier this month. I showed my own styled corner and picture the other day and you can see it at the end of this post once more.  I am so looking forward to […]

Styling with &Tradition at Norm architect Studio

                                       Picture by Rune Lundø – styling by me I have been waiting to see our pictures ever since we came back from our blogger tour in Copenhagen. Pictures made on another amazing unexpected morning where we […]

Höst Copenhagen | Dinner with Menu

While being on our Design tour around the city of Copenhagen we visited so many places that we were glad to have two cars to bring us everywhere… I think we passed Restaurant Höst about four times during the first two days and it was great to finally be able to see it for real on […]

Design Trade Blogger Tour | Vitsoe

Day two of Design Trade Blogger tour started with our Styling challenge at VIPP, in case you missed it, see my pictures here: Vipp Styling Competition. And after a tour through the old silversmith Georg Jensen we were off for a working lunch at the Bella Sky Hotel where we discussed the plans for te forthcomming Design […]