Blogtour Sponsor | Silestone by Cosentino | Blogger Macarena Gea

Countertop Silestone natural quartz in “Unsui” with Suede finish Silestone by Consentino is one of the next Modenus BlogTour NYC sponsors I would like to introduce to you. Not only are they sponsering BlogTour |read about our Media breakfast here| they also have chosen a blogger to be one of the five faces in the new […]
Blogtour NYC | Day 1 | Media Breakfast and Jetlags

After the first night of meeting up with the other bloggers and a dinner around the corner, where we met some of the sponsors over a drink and a delicious meal. Most of us European bloggers went to bed early, being awake just after 4 o’clock again! As the city was calling like mad, we text-ed over […]
Blogtour NYC 2013 | You might be on next!

Hey Guys! I am back from one of the most amazing events ever called BlogTour NYC, organised by the lovely Veronika Miller of online interior resource Modenus! If you haven’t heard about it yet, you must have been really busy or….. sleeping under a stone lately. As we were all over the place in NY. Spotted at […]
Oh Hello New York | 5 years Vosgesparis |

Only a few hours left before flying to New York, can you believe I am going on a Blogtour with so many other lovely like minded people, I hardly can myself! I will take some days off blogging and will leave you in the good hands of some friends of mine, who kindly provided me […]
Blogtour Sponsor | Mr. Steam

I am pointing lots of good websites and information about the sponsors of Blogtour NYC 2013 out to you these days. And I guess, you can imagine how trilled I am by this opportunity the Sponsors and Modenus giving us. After heading back from London with still a bad cold I can’t do anything else then […]
Blogtour Sponsor | Poggenpohl in Elle Decor

Poggenpohl Kitchen in Sand Pine & Pine Terra While doing some research on Poggenpohl Kitchens who is one of the main sponsors of BlogtourNYC, I came across a link to their Pinterest album. For every blog post I always search for the best way to make it a visual good looking post. So I was really happy to find the […]
Blogtour Sponsor | Blanco | Color your kitchen beautiful

Blanco Silgranit-cinder Color your kitchen beautiful is the slogan you can find on the website of Blanco, who is one of the other sponsors of the very exciting BlogtourNYC I will be attending next week!I visited their website to find out something more about them. It is not that I visit a site like Blanco everyday but I know […]
Sunday Kitchen day | Open shelves

Let’s make it a Kitchen day! After the previous post earlier today about the new white kitchen series by Miele | one of the sponsors of BlogTour NYC | I think these are some great examples of open shelves to combine with the new white plus Miele Series. In my own kitchen I have a […]
Blogtour Sponsor | Miele USA

Another sponsor of Blogtour NYC is Miele USA. In The Netherlands we say ‘Miele er is geen betere‘ Meaning: ‘Miele the best you can get” As long as I remember I hear and see Miele in TV commercials and the papers. I grew up with Miele and no wonder I have a few appliances at home myself. My vacuum cleaner being my latest purchase! […]
Blogtour NYC Sponsor | Victoria + Albert Baths

You might have read my post last week about going to New York City soon for Modenus Blogtour. The tour is sponsored by lots of very kind sponsors and we will meet most of them in New York as well. Today I had a closer look at their websites to get to know them better. On […]
New York City Baby!! | Blogtour NYC 2013 presented by Modenus

I have this tune in my head for a some weeks now…. walking through the hallway at my daily job, with my head in the clouds singing New York, New York!…. A couple of weeks ago I got a lovely email from Veronika from Modenus asking me if I would like to come to New York […]